Wednesday, July 29, 2009

New Comic!

I've been enjoying Mike 'Mortellan' Bridges' W.o.G. comic for some time now, and am pleased to announce that he's given us permission to run it here on Tailslap!

I know it may seem weird to run a comic that focuses on Grayhawk in a magazine for 4th edition D&D, but it's all D&D to me, and for me all D&D goes back to Grayhawk. And on his site Mike muses quite humerously about those old adventures and supliments.

So without further ado: this is the first of the W.o.G. "Cultist" comics, which chronicle the hijinks of a couple of Cultists of Tharizdun in their misadventures across the multiverse.

Mike's inspiration for the comic, and the rest of his work can be seen here:

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